Learning and Loving

Happy holiday season! Next time you hear from me, it'll be 2020! I'll save my then vs. now reflections for my next blog. So definitely check back for some awkward photos and maybe a story or two....
Pizza Theology!
Every semester we have an event called Pizza Theology. It's two hours of lecture, one hour of pizza and socializing, then two more hours of lecture. This might sound daunting, but our speaker was captivating for the entire 4 hours. Mary Poplin came from California to speak about her book Is Reality Secular?: Testing the Four Global Worldviews. We had between 400-500 students come from all of our campuses - I love seeing students eager to learn and love God with their minds!

Most of the girls from my core (small group) at Pizza Theology!
This month we wrapped up our Old Testament class with a Skype call to Iain Proven from Regent College. We listened to an entire semester's worth of lectures from him and he graciously gave us a full hour to have Q&A with him. We are incredibly fortunate to have a partnership with someone who has devoted so much thought and time to studying and teaching theology at the level he has. It was a challenging class and I still have a lot to learn, but I'm amazed at the masterpiece it is and thankful for the opportunity to spend so much time on the material.

Iain Proven answering so many questions
A few weeks ago I had the privilege of going wedding dress shopping with one of my closest friends, Erin, along with some of our other friends. She and I met my sophomore year of college, led a small group together, became roommates, and now we're both doing the FOCUS apprenticeship. I'm so proud of the woman she is and honored to be her friend as well as friends with all of the girls pictured. We had a sweet time helping Erin and getting to know her family.

Back L to R: Ashley (another apprentice), Erin, me
Middle L to R: Kassi and Emily
Front: Angel
For Thanksgiving, Alex and I were able to spend a few days in Kansas with my family. It was a great time to rest and be together before we wrap up the semester. I can't express how grateful I am for all of my family. The only picture I have from the break is of my mom with her 4 sisters. They have been some of my biggest life supporters since before I was ever born and I'm so, so blessed to have them to teach me about family. And seriously - they know how to cook. My mom was probably in the kitchen preparing for over half of the break just because she loves to serve others. On a college campus, I meet and work with a lot of people who don't have family to go home to like this for any holidays. It's heartbreaking to me and, honestly, it's one of the reasons I want to do campus ministry. These women along with my dad, my sisters, and the rest of my family, have given me something I want to give to the great students I've gotten to know. So again, thank you for making this possible.

L to R: Aunt Joni, Mom, Aunt Judy, Aunt Joetta, Aunt Jerry
Lastly, today is Giving Tuesday! Every year we have a Keep FOCUS Growing campaign to raise extra money for expenses. All of the campus missionaries (like me) raise support, but it takes a lot more than that for us to do ministry: outreach activities/materials, administrative support, planting new campuses, counseling for students, health/retirement benefits, etc. This is about being around for the long haul. Some of our generous donors have banded together and agreed to match up to $36,000 in total donations during this campaign. So if we receive $36,000 in total contributions, they will kick in a SECOND $36,000! Last week we challenged students at all of our weekly fellowship nights across the DFW to give $5000 that would be matched - they raised over $9000! I'm blown away by the generosity in our community. If you'd like to give, you can visit the fundraiser on my Facebook page, send a check to FOCUS with KFG in the memo line, or go to anyfocus.org/KFG
Please let me know if you have any questions!

Prayer Requests
  • Keep FOCUS Growing
  • Students heading into finals week
  • Smooth and hardworking end to the semester
  • Any and all students and families who are have hard holiday seasons
  • Travel for all over the holidays

Thank you for all of your support!

With love,
Jacy Garcia


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